Complimentary Chiropractic Spinal Check

Not sure if Chiropractic is suitable for you? I understand that you may have heard many different stories about what is involved in Chiropractic or have not come across Chiropractic care in the past. It can be hard committing to spending money on something that you are unsure if it is right for you.

Therefore, I am here to offer you a Complimentary Spinal Check and discuss with you about your health conditions to find out if Chiropractic should be a consideration for you.


What is a Spinal Check?

The spinal check will be a 10-15 minute appointment that provides us with an opportunity to discuss your health concerns – this can be a recent injury or long standing conditions.

Then we will provide you a spinal check which provide us an initial impression to determine if your condition is suitable for chiropractic care.

If I feel that I can help you, then we can proceed to a new patient examination visit.

Interested for a complimentary spinal check? Contact me today and book an appointment!