Canine Chiropractic

I am an International Academy Of Veterinary Chiropractic qualified Veterinary Chiropractor.  My passion is Canine Chiropractic.

What is Canine Chiropractic?

Canine Chiropractic provides non-surgical and drug-free treatments to help restore spinal alignment, normal joint mobility and reduce pain and muscle tension, and help increase function and most importantly the well-being of your beloved four-legged family member.

Signs that your dog may need a Chiropractor

  • Lameness or change in gait
  • Hesitancy or slow down on sitting and lying down movements
  • Oversensitive or twitching when being touched
  • Discomfort when being moved
  • Discomfort when climbing stairs or jumping off
  • Struggle to get up after lying down
  • Chewing or licking paws
  • Favouring lying one side to the other
  • Decrease in performance during sports or exercise
  • A refusal to bend down to the food or water dish to eat or drink
  • “Puppy sitting”

Canine Chiropractic Pricing

Initial Consultation and Examination – £65 

Individual Adjustment Sessions (Pay as you go) – £45

Please note that due to Veterinary Law a Veterinarian Referral will be required before any Canine Chiropractic treatment is allowed. Please download the Veterinary Consent Form and ask for your Veterinarian to sign and return it to us: